Wooden Vs Carbon Arrows: Which One Should You Choose?

Archery has been a part of human history for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Persians.

Today, it is both a competitive sport and a recreational activity enjoyed by many around the world.

Regardless of why you participate in archery, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right arrows.

The type of arrow you choose can impact your performance, accuracy, and even your safety.

We have already discussed carbon arrows vs aluminum arrows before.

Here we will discuss the two types of arrows i.e. wooden and carbon. Both have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and deciding which one to choose can be a daunting task.

Wooden arrows have been used for centuries and are still popular among traditional archers. They have a classic, natural appearance and are often handmade. Wooden arrows are typically made from a variety of woods, including cedar, spruce, and pine. They are a great option for those who enjoy a traditional feel and want to connect with the history of archery.

Carbon arrows, on the other hand, are a relatively new development in the world of archery. They are made from carbon fibers and are lighter, faster, and more durable than wooden arrows. They are the go-to choice for many competitive archers and are becoming more popular among recreational archers as well.

Both wooden and carbon arrows have their pros and cons, and it’s important to understand the differences between the two before making a decision.

The choice between wood and carbon arrows depends on the type of archery one wishes to pursue. Archery is generally divided into two categories: traditional archery, which typically involves the use of wooden arrows, and modern archery, which prefers carbon arrows.

In this article, we’ll also dive deeper into the characteristics and benefits of each type of arrow and provide recommendations for which one to choose based on your individual needs and preferences.

Wooden Arrows

Wooden arrows have been used for centuries and are still popular among traditional archers.

Here are some of the characteristics and benefits of wooden arrows:

Classic Appearance:

Wooden arrows have a natural, classic appearance that many archers appreciate. They often feature hand-crafted designs that make them stand out.

Their traditional, authentic feel and unique aesthetic design can be appealing for archers who value the heritage and craftsmanship of traditional archery equipment.


Wooden arrows are versatile and can be used with various types of bows, including longbows and recurve bows.

Organic Built:

Wooden arrows have the advantage of being made from natural, organic materials, which can make them a more environmentally-friendly choice compared to synthetic materials.


Compared to carbon arrows, wooden arrows are generally more affordable, which makes them a great option for beginners or those on a tight budget.


Wooden arrows can be customized to fit the specific needs of the archer. They can be cut to length, and the spine and weight can be adjusted to match the archer’s bow and shooting style.

However, wooden arrows also have some drawbacks to consider:

  1. Durability: Wooden arrows are not as durable as carbon arrows and can break more easily. They are also more susceptible to warping or bending, which can affect their accuracy.
  2. Handling: In contrast to synthetic arrow types, wooden arrows are delicate and require careful handling. They are best suited for use with recurve and longbows, as they cannot withstand the high force generated by compound bows.
  3. Consistency: One of the major problems that archers face when using wooden arrows is inconsistency due to natural variations in wood grain and density, which can result in uneven trajectories and inconsistent accuracy. Additionally, wooden arrows can be more susceptible to warping due to changes in humidity and temperature.
  4. Weight: Wooden arrows tend to be heavier than carbon arrows, which can impact their speed and trajectory.
  5. Maintenance: Wooden arrows require more maintenance than carbon arrows. They need to be inspected regularly for any signs of damage or warping and may need to be re-fletched or re-tipped.

Best use cases for wooden arrows:

  1. Traditional archery: Wooden arrows are often used by traditional archers who want to connect with the history of archery and appreciate the classic appearance of wooden arrows.
  2. Hunting: Wooden arrows are a great option for hunting smaller game, such as birds or squirrels. They are also a good choice for hunting in wooded areas where the risk of losing an arrow is high.
  3. Recreational use: Wooden arrows are a good choice for recreational archers who are just starting out and want to try out different types of arrows without investing too much money.

Are wooden arrows safe?

Wooden arrows can be safe if they are used and maintained properly. However, it’s important to note that wooden arrows can be more susceptible to damage and breakage than synthetic materials like carbon or aluminum.

If a wooden arrow is damaged or has cracks, it should not be used and should be replaced immediately to avoid potential injury.

Additionally, wooden arrows require careful handling and storage to avoid warping or other damage that could affect their performance and safety.

Another aspect is that:

Wooden arrows may not be safe for use with compound bows due to the high force generated by these bows.

Wooden arrows can be more susceptible to breaking or shattering when subjected to the high speeds and forces produced by a compound bow, which can pose a safety risk to the archer and those around them.

As a result, it’s generally recommended to use carbon or aluminum arrows with compound bows, as these materials can better withstand the forces involved.

However, wooden arrows can be safely used with recurve and longbows, which generate lower forces and speeds.

Check Some of Best Wooden Arrows On Amazon- Here

DIY Project: Making Arrows Out Of Wood

Here are step-by-step instructions for making a basic wooden arrow:


  • A suitable type of wood (cedar, pine, spruce, etc.)
  • Arrow shaft jig or a set of arrow shaft tools (including a straight edge, a marking tool, a saw or knife, and sandpaper or a file)
  • Arrow nocks (either self-nocks or purchased nocks)
  • Arrow points (either self-made or purchased points)
  • Fletching material (feathers or synthetic vanes)
  • Fletching glue
  • Arrow cresting paint (optional)


  1. Choose a suitable type of wood for your arrow shaft. Cedar, pine, and spruce are commonly used for wooden arrows.
  2. Cut your wooden shaft to the desired length using a saw or knife. The length of the shaft will depend on the draw length of your bow and your personal preferences.
  3. Use a straight edge and a marking tool to mark the spine of the arrow. This will help you to taper the shaft correctly.
  4. Use a saw or knife to taper the shaft from the thicker end (where the arrow nock will go) to the thinner end (where the arrow point will go). This will give the arrow the correct stiffness and weight for your bow.
  5. Use sandpaper or a file to smooth the shaft and remove any rough edges.
  6. Install the arrow nock onto the thicker end of the shaft. You can either use self-nocks (cutting a small groove into the end of the shaft) or purchased nocks that can be glued onto the shaft.
  7. Attach the arrow point onto the thinner end of the shaft. You can either make your own points using metal or bone, or purchase points that can be glued onto the shaft.
  8. Fletch the arrow with feathers or synthetic vanes. Apply fletching glue to the base of the fletching and attach it to the shaft at equal distances around the shaft. Generally, three feathers or vanes are used, with the odd one (called the index feather) being a different color or shape to help with consistency in shooting.
  9. Allow the fletching glue to dry and then trim the feathers or vanes to the desired length and shape.
  10. (Optional) Apply arrow cresting paint to the shaft to add color and personalization to your arrow.

Making wooden arrows can be a time-consuming process, but it is a rewarding way to personalize your archery gear and gain a deeper appreciation for the history and craftsmanship of traditional archery.

Carbon Arrows

Carbon arrows are a relatively new development in the world of archery, but they have quickly become the go-to choice for many competitive archers. Here are some of the characteristics and benefits of carbon arrows:

Lightweight: Carbon arrows are much lighter than wooden arrows, which makes them faster and more accurate.

Durability & Strength: Carbon arrows are much more Strong and durable than wooden arrows and are less likely to break or warp.

Reusable: Carbon arrows are known for their durability and can be reused extensively, as long as they are not significantly damaged. Archers can depend on the continued use of carbon arrows for multiple sessions and competitions, thanks to their ability to withstand repeated stress and strain.

Consistency: Carbon arrows are manufactured to strict standards, which means that they offer consistent performance and accuracy.

Fast: Carbon arrows have a faster velocity than wooden arrows, which makes them ideal for competitive archers who need to shoot accurately over long distances.

However, carbon arrows also have some drawbacks to consider:

  1. Cost: Carbon arrows are generally more expensive than wooden arrows, which can be a barrier to entry for some archers.
  2. Safety: Carbon arrows can shatter upon impact, which can be dangerous if they hit a hard surface or ricochet off a target.
  3. Limited customization: Carbon arrows cannot be easily customized like wooden arrows can. This means that archers need to choose the right size and spine for their bow and shooting style.

Carbon Arrows & Recurve Bows

Best use cases for carbon arrows:

  1. Competitive archery: Carbon arrows are the go-to choice for competitive archers who need consistent performance and accuracy.
  2. Hunting: Carbon arrows are a good choice for hunting larger game, such as deer or elk. They are also a good choice for hunting in open areas where the risk of losing an arrow is low.
  3. Recreational use: Carbon arrows are a good choice for recreational archers who want to take their archery skills to the next level and improve their accuracy and consistency.

Check Some of Best Carbon Arrows On Amazon- Here

Choosing the Right Arrows

Now that we’ve explored the characteristics and benefits of wooden and carbon arrows, it’s time to consider how to choose the right arrows for your needs. There are several factors to consider when choosing between wooden and carbon arrows:

Personal preference:

Do you prefer the classic appearance of wooden arrows or the modern performance of carbon arrows? Some archers value the history and tradition of wooden arrows, while others prioritize accuracy and consistency.

Skill level:

Beginner archers may prefer wooden arrows because they are more forgiving and easier to shoot accurately. More advanced archers may prefer carbon arrows because they offer greater speed and consistency.

Type of bow used:

Wooden arrows are more versatile and can be used with a variety of bows, including longbows and recurve bows. Carbon arrows are typically used with compound bows, although they can also be used with other types of bows.

Recurve Bow Vs Compound Bow

Intended use:

Consider what you’ll be using the arrows for. Will you be hunting, competing in tournaments, or simply practicing your archery skills? Different types of arrows may be better suited for different uses.

With these factors in mind, here are some recommendations for specific types of archers:

Traditional archers:

If you value tradition and a classic appearance, wooden arrows may be the best choice for you.

They are also a good option for beginners who want to learn the basics of archery before moving on to more advanced equipment.

Competitive archers:

Carbon arrows are the go-to choice for competitive archers who prioritize speed, accuracy, and consistency.

They are also a good choice for archers who shoot over long distances and need to maintain a high level of accuracy.

Recreational archers:

Recreational archers who want to improve their accuracy and consistency may benefit from using carbon arrows.

They offer greater speed and consistency than wooden arrows and can help archers take their skills to the next level.

Watch This Extremely Useful Video To Get More Insights

Maintenance and Care

Once you’ve chosen the right arrows for your needs, it’s important to properly maintain and care for them to ensure optimal performance and safety. Here are some tips for maintaining and caring for wooden and carbon arrows:

Inspect your arrows regularly:

Regularly inspect your arrows for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks, splits, or warping in wooden arrows, and check for any cracks or other damage in carbon arrows.

Clean your arrows:

Clean your arrows regularly to remove any dirt, debris, or moisture that may accumulate on them. Use a soft cloth or towel to gently wipe down your arrows, and avoid using any harsh chemicals or solvents that may damage the arrow’s finish.

Store your arrows properly:

Store your arrows in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Avoid leaving your arrows in a hot car or other area where they may be exposed to high heat or humidity.

Handle your arrows with care:

Always handle your arrows with care and avoid dropping them or striking them against hard surfaces. Avoid bending or flexing your arrows, as this can cause them to warp or break.

Replace damaged arrows:

If you notice any signs of damage or wear on your arrows, replace them immediately. Using damaged or worn arrows can be dangerous and may cause injury or damage to your bow.

In addition to these maintenance tips, it’s important to properly store and handle your arrows to prevent damage or warping.

Here are some additional tips for proper storage and handling:

Use a quiver: Use a quiver to store your arrows when not in use. A quiver will protect your arrows from damage and make it easier to transport them to and from your archery range or hunting area.

Avoid direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause wooden arrows to dry out and warp, and can cause carbon arrows to weaken or become brittle. Store your arrows in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Use proper storage containers: If you need to transport your arrows, use a proper storage container that will protect them from damage. Look for a container that is durable, water-resistant, and padded to prevent damage.

With proper care, your arrows can last for years and provide you with many hours of enjoyment and success in your archery endeavors.

Are Wood Arrows Better Than Carbon Or Aluminum Arrows?

Wooden arrows have certain advantages such as being lightweight and less expensive compared to other materials. They are suitable for activities like big game hunting and stump shooting. However, they also come with some disadvantages. These arrows tend to be less durable, consistent, and accurate than aluminum or carbon arrows.


In conclusion, choosing the right arrows for archery is crucial for optimal performance and safety. Wooden arrows have been used for centuries and offer a traditional and classic feel to archery. They are also biodegradable and have a lower impact on the environment.

On the other hand, carbon arrows are a more modern option and offer superior durability, accuracy, and speed. They are also less susceptible to warping and can be more forgiving for less experienced archers.

When deciding between wooden and carbon arrows, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences.

Factors such as skill level, budget, and type of bow used should all be taken into account when making a decision. Ultimately, the best arrow choice for you will depend on your specific needs and goals.

In summary, wooden arrows offer a traditional feel and are a good option for those who value a classic and eco-friendly approach to archery.

Carbon arrows offer superior performance and durability and are ideal for those who want to achieve high accuracy and speed. Whichever option you choose, remember to properly maintain and care for your arrows to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. Happy shooting!


"Smith is an outdoor enthusiast and Just loves everything about binoculars. Since his childhood he has been a fan of optical gadgets & going into the Jungle with his uncle was his favorite pastime. Besides, He loves watching & studying birds & animals. He is a mechanical engineering graduate and New Jersey Resident. He loves to review binoculars and related optical Instruments and loves testing each one of them." When he is not fiddling with one of his binoculars, you can find him playing his favorite sport Pickleball."

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