How to Use Binoculars Correctly (For Beginners)-Best Way To Start Glassing!

Congratulations on buying that new pair of binoculars! As soon as you buy them, the excitement to see the world through them accelerates. But the binoculars’ view appears magical only if you use it the right way.

Especially for newbies like you, the following is an elaborated guide on how to use binoculars properly. It will take you through every small detail and eventually guarantee an immense viewing experience.

Binoculars-Understanding the Parts 

All the major parts of a binocular are categorized into two categories- optical and mechanical. The optical parts take charge of the light reaching your eyes so that distant objects appear clear. However, mechanical parts of binoculars adjust focus and enhance the overall vision. A collection of all these following parts forms the basic physiology of a binocular:-

  • Objective Lens

The objective lens is located at the very end of binoculars. This pair of lenses points towards the object and collects the light coming from it. The diameter of an objective lens is called an aperture.

Binoculars with high aperture objective lenses collect more light and make the image appear brighter. One must take extra special care of these lenses to ensure the long life of their binoculars.

  • Eyepiece Lens

Analogous to the objective lens, the eyepiece lens is located on the other end of the binocular from where you look into. It is responsible for focusing the light to create a clear image of a farther object. This pair of lenses is also called oculars.

The eyepiece contains a combination of two or more lenses that sits together to increase the clarity of the image. A parameter called the focal length of the eyepiece decides the degree of magnification achieved.

  • Prism

Unlike the above two parts, prism is present inside the binoculars. They aim to correct the orientation of the image formed.

The light coming from the objective lens might form a mirrored or inverted image. Prisms are used to make the so-formed image suitable for human vision. The arrangement of these prisms varies with the type of binoculars. Your binoculars may have either roof prism or Porro prism arrangement.

If your binoculars have an elongated and narrow shape, then they might be having a roof prism system. On the other hand, Porro prism binoculars feel a bit broad in terms of grip and have a comparatively large gap between the two objective lenses.

  • Focus Wheel

Focus wheels are usually found near the eyepiece lens. It assures a clear observation by different adjustments. You can choose to turn the focus wheel at the centre or towards the left or right side. This will shift the focus accordingly. It serves as an important part for people who wear spectacles.

  • Chassis

The long tunnel-like structure that holds all the optical and mechanical parts is called a chassis. It is also the part that you clasp between your hands while looking through the binoculars.

  • Barrel and Eyecups

The outer case surrounding the objective lens and eyepiece lens are called barrels and eyecups, respectively.

  • Diopter Adjustment

Diopter adjustment is similar to the focus wheel present near the eyepiece lens. It is present on either of the eyepiece and objective lenses.

One can move it left or right to adjust the clarity and focus of view. Diopter adjustment essentially helps people with glasses in focusing their vision. This is due to the individual focus setting present on each side of the objective/eyepiece lens.

Till now, you must have learned to identify the various parts of binoculars. The next task involves understanding the desired adjustments required to achieve a clear view.

Here is Our Complete Detailed Guide On Binocular Parts and Their Functions

Necessary Adjustments for a Perfect Viewing Experience

As a binocular beginner, the burdensome task of all is to make precise adjustments. Just peeping through the eyepieces would not allow you to see that distant birds. You must choose the appropriate settings based on your preferences, availability of light, and the point you are looking at.

To begin with, choose a distant object located about 9 to 10 meters away from you. Now, perform the following steps:-

  • Configure the Barrels

While looking through the eyecups, the image so formed might appear distinct for each barrel. In such a case, you need to adjust the barrel dial by moving it inward/outward until you see a single image.

  • Fix the Eyecups

People who are not wearing glasses can stretch their eyecups towards the eyes. It obstructs unwanted light and dust, leading to a clear vision.

  • Diopter Setting

First of all, adjust the diopter measurement to zero. Now, find a distant object to focus upon and look through the binoculars towards that point. Cover one of the objective lenses with hands or lens cap and try aiming with a centre focus. Repeat the same process by covering the other lens and focusing it using diopter adjustment.

  • Magnification

The magnification of binoculars differs according to the diameter of the objective lens. But the final ability to magnify the view depends on the eyepiece’s focal length. For a better magnification, one can choose to modify the eyepiece with the one that has a better focal length.

Stargazing with Binoculars

It is not only the beautiful elements of the earth that you can see through binoculars. If interested, one can choose to view the beautiful stars in the sky more closely. Though its magnification power does not defy the limits of a telescope, you can at least try to give it a shot.

Read: Binoculars Vs Telescope

Instead of directly aiming at stars, start with focusing on the moon. Moreover, many people have claimed to see planets such as Jupiter and Saturn through their portable pair of binoculars.

Taking Care of your Binoculars

Just like every other device or appliance at your home, binoculars also need some care. You should make sure to clean it thoroughly at regular intervals of time. While traveling to a faraway place, do not forget to put the binoculars in a case to prevent them from dust and dirt.

Read: Why Rubber On Binoculars Get Sticky?

Some Useful Resources:

How To Use Binoculars With Glasses

How to Choose Binoculars

How To Use Binoculars With Fine Adjustment


For first-time buyers of binoculars, getting the technicalities into the head might cause significant strain on the brain cells. To eradicate this problem, we constructed an easy-to-understand guide. By following the above-listed steps, you can have a perfect viewing experience. Meanwhile, increase the life of your binoculars by cleaning them constantly.


"Smith is an outdoor enthusiast and Just loves everything about binoculars. Since his childhood he has been a fan of optical gadgets & going into the Jungle with his uncle was his favorite pastime. Besides, He loves watching & studying birds & animals. He is a mechanical engineering graduate and New Jersey Resident. He loves to review binoculars and related optical Instruments and loves testing each one of them." When he is not fiddling with one of his binoculars, you can find him playing his favorite sport Pickleball."

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