What is a Good FPS For Crossbow Hunting?

When it comes to choosing a crossbow, one of the most important factors to consider is its FPS or feet per second.

So what is FPS and Why It’s an important Specification?

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FPS refers to the speed at which the arrow is propelled from the crossbow and is a key factor in determining the power and accuracy of the crossbow.

We will delve into more details about fps in the next section.

Also, we will discuss the factors that affect FPS in crossbows, what constitutes a good FPS for different purposes, and how to increase FPS in your crossbow.

By understanding the importance of FPS and how it is affected by various factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing a crossbow that meets your needs.

What is FPS and How is it Measured?

FPS, or feet per second, is a unit of measurement used to describe the speed at which an arrow is propelled from a crossbow.

It is an important factor in determining the power and accuracy of the crossbow, as a higher FPS generally means a more powerful and accurate shot.

FPS is measured by shooting an arrow through a chronograph, which is a device that measures the speed of the arrow as it passes through.

The chronograph typically consists of two sensors that are placed a fixed distance apart, and the arrow’s speed is calculated based on the time it takes to pass between the two sensors.

It’s important to note that FPS is not the only factor that affects the performance of a crossbow.

Other factors, such as the weight of the arrow, the draw weight of the crossbow, and the quality of the crossbow’s components, also play a significant role in determining the crossbow’s overall performance.

In the next section, we will discuss what constitutes a good FPS for different purposes, such as hunting and competitive shooting.

Factors Affecting FPS in Crossbows

There are several factors that can affect the FPS of a crossbow, including:

  1. Draw weight: The draw weight of a crossbow refers to the amount of force required to cock the bowstring back. The higher the draw weight, the more potential energy is stored in the limbs, which can result in a higher FPS.
  2. Arrow weight: The weight of the arrow can also affect FPS. Heavier arrows may not travel as fast, but they can provide more kinetic energy upon impact, which can be important for hunting larger game.
  3. Crossbow length: Longer crossbows tend to have longer power strokes, which can result in higher FPS.
  4. Limb material: The material used to construct the crossbow’s limbs can also affect FPS. For example, carbon fiber limbs tend to be lighter and faster than traditional wooden limbs.
  5. String quality: The quality of the crossbow’s string can also play a role in FPS. A well-maintained string that is properly waxed and cared for can help ensure consistent and high FPS.
  6. Arrow type: The type of arrow used with the crossbow can also impact FPS. Broadhead-tipped arrows tend to have more drag than field points, which can result in lower FPS.

Understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions when choosing a crossbow or trying to increase its FPS. In the next section, we will discuss what constitutes a good FPS for different purposes.

What is a Good FPS for a Crossbow?


For hunting, a good FPS for a crossbow is generally considered to be at least 300 feet per second (FPS). This is because higher FPS can result in a flatter trajectory and more kinetic energy upon impact, which can help ensure a clean and humane kill.

For example, a crossbow with a FPS of 350 can generate around 97 foot-pounds of kinetic energy, while a crossbow with a FPS of 400 can generate around 124 foot-pounds of kinetic energy.

The average FPS for a crossbow ranges from around 300 to 400 feet per second, with higher-end models capable of reaching speeds of up to 450 or even 500 FPS.

The National Bowhunter Education Foundation recommends a minimum FPS of 250 for hunting big game such as deer, with a higher FPS recommended for larger and tougher games such as elk and moose.

Many states and provinces have minimum FPS requirements for hunting with a crossbow, such as a minimum of 300 FPS for deer hunting in Indiana and a minimum of 325 FPS for elk hunting in Colorado.

Some hunting organizations, such as the Pope and Young Club, have restrictions on the use of crossbows for hunting, with minimum draw weights and FPS requirements in place to ensure a humane and ethical kill.


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Target shooting:

For target shooting, a good FPS for a crossbow can range from 250 to 350 FPS. The exact FPS will depend on factors such as the distance of the target and the shooter’s personal preferences.

In competitive archery, higher FPS can be an advantage, allowing for greater accuracy and the ability to shoot at greater distances. For example, the International Crossbow Shooting Union has a maximum FPS limit of 450 for its indoor and outdoor competitions.

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Recreational use:

For recreational use, such as backyard shooting or plinking, a good FPS for a crossbow can be as low as 200 FPS. This is because accuracy and precision may be more important than raw power.

Some crossbow manufacturers provide FPS charts and recommendations for specific models and arrow types, allowing users to choose the right combination for their needs and preferences.

It’s important to note that while higher FPS can be beneficial for hunting, it’s not the only factor to consider.

Accuracy, consistency, and ease of use are also important factors to take into account when choosing a hunting crossbow.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that some states and countries have regulations regarding minimum FPS for hunting with a crossbow. Be sure to check your local regulations before making a purchase.

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While higher FPS can be beneficial for hunting, accuracy and consistency are also important factors to consider. Take into account your own needs and preferences before making a purchase.

Why FPS Is Important But

Relying solely on speed to determine a bow’s ability to ethically take down an animal is not sufficient.

Rather, the more important question to consider is how much kinetic energy is needed to do so, typically around 45 ft/lbs.

This value is determined by both arrow speed and weight and can be easily calculated using the following formula: KE = (arrow weight / 450240) x (velocity x velocity).

It is worth noting that advertised fps ratings are typically achieved with the lightest recommended arrow weight for the bow.

For example, a bow with a minimum arrow weight of 320 grains achieving 308 fps would produce

KE = (arrow weight / 450240) x (velocity x velocity)

KE = (320 / 450240) x (308 x 308)

KE = (0.0007111) x (94864)

KE = 67.5 ft/lbs of kinetic energy using the above formula.

How to Increase FPS in Your Crossbow

If you’re looking to increase the FPS of your crossbow, there are a few things you can do:

Use lighter arrows: Lighter arrows can increase the speed of your crossbow, resulting in higher FPS. However, it’s important to note that using too light of an arrow can also result in accuracy issues.


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Use a higher draw weight: Increasing the draw weight of your crossbow can also increase the FPS. However, this can also make the crossbow harder to use, so it’s important to find a balance that works for you.

Use a shorter arrow: Using a shorter arrow can reduce friction and increase the speed of your crossbow, resulting in higher FPS. However, it’s important to make sure the arrow is still long enough to safely and effectively use with your crossbow.

Use a higher-quality string: Using a higher quality string can reduce friction and increase the speed of your crossbow. It’s important to regularly maintain and replace your string to ensure optimal performance.

Keep your crossbow well-maintained: Regularly maintaining and cleaning your crossbow can help ensure it’s performing at its best, which can result in higher FPS.

It’s important to note that not all crossbows are created equal, and some may have a maximum FPS that cannot be increased beyond a certain point. Before making any modifications to your crossbow, be sure to consult the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines to ensure safe and effective performance.


In conclusion, FPS is an important factor to consider when choosing a crossbow. It can impact the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of your shots. While there is no universal “good” FPS for a crossbow, it largely depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Factors such as hunting or target shooting, skill level, and the type of game you are hunting can all play a role in determining the ideal FPS for your crossbow. It’s important to do your research and consider these factors before making a purchase.

If you already own a crossbow and are looking to increase the FPS, there are several steps you can take, such as using lighter arrows, increasing draw weight, or using a higher quality string. However, it’s important to exercise caution and consult manufacturer guidelines to ensure safe and effective modifications.

Overall, understanding FPS and how it relates to your crossbow can help you make informed decisions and improve your overall shooting experience.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossbow /By Wikipedia
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_on_crossbows/By Wikipedia
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_crossbows /By Wikipedia

"Smith is an outdoor enthusiast and Just loves everything about binoculars. Since his childhood he has been a fan of optical gadgets & going into the Jungle with his uncle was his favorite pastime. Besides, He loves watching & studying birds & animals. He is a mechanical engineering graduate and New Jersey Resident. He loves to review binoculars and related optical Instruments and loves testing each one of them." When he is not fiddling with one of his binoculars, you can find him playing his favorite sport Pickleball."

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